Today I'm blogging about a recent competition I entered, the Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search. We had an assignment set in association with 'Paperchase' those of you who know me will understand my love for Paperchase so I was immediately excited by the brief set to us. We had to design the front cover to a journal with the theme being old fashioned playground equipment, this theme was not something I would normally think about designing so really got me thinking, instead of panicking I felt excited about broadening my horizons and thinking of new ideas. Within the brief we also had to include the word 'JournaI', but apart from this the brief was very free, allowing us to come up with our own ideas. I decided I wanted to feature animals in the playground rather than children, so I began to illustrate my characters (the black and white sketches show my final drawings). Once I was happy with them I played with scale, colour and layout. The design has a very illustrative, hand drawn feel so I decide to write the text 'journal' myself to compliment the style of my characters. Once happy I uploaded my design and with one click of the mouse my design was whizzing through cyber space to the USA to be judged- gulp!
I found out last week I did not make it to the next round of the competition, 50 designs were selected (out of 1'500 entries!) to go onto the next level, I have to say I was initially gutted, reading the results on Lilla's blog made my stomach flip! But soon enough I realised I had won in my own way. I went out of my comfort zone in terms of design, I came up with a design I'm proud of and I entered the competition, when I could have thought- whats the point? I would like to congratulate the final 50 designers and wish them all the luck with the competition, considering 1,500 people entered from around the world it's quite an achievement. I would also like to thank Lilla Rogers and her team of judges for setting up this competition, because although I have not been successful (this time) you have given me a new found confidence to design more work like this, who know's maybe next time I'll make the cut...
My Final journal design |
Initial drawings |
Close up of fox illustration |
Close up of sausage dogs illustration |
Close up of bunny illustration
All images and content ©AlicePerryDesigns 2013 |
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